







Smoking Something

I used to be a smoker.
I started smoking when I was 16 and smoked for over 10 years.
And then I quit when I was 27. It's been almost 3 years now.

I quit smoking because I felt I was too dependent on it.
I didn't feel like I could release my stress without it anymore, and I didn't like that.

I'm glad that I quit smoking, and it has made my life a bit easier.
I don't particularly believe that quitting smoking is always the healthy thing to do, but I'm glad that I no longer have to worry about running out of a pack, or getting a space to smoke, or the cigarette smell on clothes.

So, I guess I did a right thing for myself, and I don't think I'm going back to smoking again.
But, I also want to remind myself that making everything right is not always the right thing to do. It's not that simple.


Monkeys Are Thinking

More and more photoshop sketches.
I kinda like how this one came out.
You know how monkeys like to go into hotsprings in Japan.
I wonder what's like to have one of those in my head.

As my recent activities go;
I went to the monthly LA downtown artwalk last night. I saw some cool stuff. And I'm going to see this artshow that my friend, Gary recommended in Culver city tomorrow.
I'm in an eagerly-looking-for-inspiration mode right now.
It always comes and goes in cycles, but when it comes I try to go out and observe what's out there.
I've been following some amazing artists' blogs, too.

Astral Projection

Another photoshop practice this week; this is my entire apartment.
I did the similar drawing of my kitchen the other day, and that inspired me to do this one.
Enjoy the details and have fun imagining my everyday life!






Thai Dance

My wife did a dance performance at Thai New Year Festival in Hollywood last weekend. She's been taking a Thai dance class for a few month and just got her first gig there. It was quite an interesting event.
There were lots of people, different kinds of people, eating Thai food, drinking beer, watching Muay Thai and Thai dances.

It was pretty random that my wife, a Japanese girl, was performing Thai dance for Thai festival, but I like the multiculturalism. The event sort of reminds me of the reason why I live here.

She wrote a blog about the event.
Check it out if you can read Japanese or have a decent translator.

Self Portrait

I've decided that I haven't done enough self-portrait.
So here is the first one and it doesn't look like me.
I don't know if I like staring at myself for too long, but I'll try again.


Yellow and Blue

Another view of the kitchen/dining of our apartment.
The yellow and blue Eames chairs always comfort us while we enjoy our delicious meal.....although they are a little chilly for our asses in winter.

Kurosawa Return

A study of skintone.
He now really looks like a Kung-fu guy to me for some reason.



Profile: noun,
1. A side view of an object or structure, especially of the human head.
2. An outline of an object.
3. Degree of exposure to public notice: visibility
4. A formal summary or analysis of data

A profile is often easier for me to draw than frontal and I like analyzing.


Today I did a quick portrait of Kurosawa when I had a little down time at work.

If you don't know him, he would just look like an old Asian dude with thick black-frame glasses. He might even look like a great Kung-Fu master.
But, if you know him, he now becomes a great movie director with a sharp brain and unique vision.

Your knowledge always effects what you see.
But, even if you don't know him, you would still be interested if an artist did a great portrait of him.
I want to be that artist.